IRS Coronavirus Tax Relief

We’re offering tax help for individuals, families, businesses, tax-exempt organizations, and others – including health plans – affected by Coronavirus.

Advance Child Tax Credit

The expanded and newly-advanceable Child Tax Credit was authorized by the American Rescue Plan Act, enacted in March. Normally, the IRS will calculate the payment based on a person’s 2020 tax return, including those who use the Non-filer Sign-up tool. If that return is not available because it has not yet been filed or is still being processed, the IRS will instead determine the initial payment amounts using the 2019 return or the information entered using the Non-filers tool that was available in 2020. If an eligible taxpayer did not file for 2019 or 2020, they may use a new online Non-filer Sign-up tool to register for the monthly Advance Child Tax Credit payments.

To make sure families have easy access to their money, the IRS will issue these payments by direct deposit, as long as correct banking information has previously been provided to the IRS. Otherwise, people should watch their mail starting on or after July 15 for their mailed payment. The dates for the Advance Child Tax Credit payments are July 15, August 13, September 15, October 15, November 15, and December 15.

To help people understand and receive this benefit, the IRS has created a special Advance Child Tax Credit 2021 webpage to provide the most up-to-date information about the credit and the advance payments. The page features links to the Non-filer Sign-up Tool, and the Child Tax Credit Eligibility Assistant, and the Child Tax Credit Update Portal.

For more information, visit, or read FAQs on the 2021 Child Tax Credit and Advance Child Tax Credit Payments.

IRS Mission-Critical Functions Continue

We continue to process returns and issue refunds, and we are making progress. Get an up-to-date status on affected IRS operations and services.

Third Round of Economic Impact Payments Continues

Each week we’re sending the third round of Economic Impact Payments and the related 2020 Recovery Rebate Credit to eligible individuals as people continue to file income tax returns and returns are processed. If you haven’t received a payment yet, it doesn’t mean you won’t.

Ongoing payments will be sent to eligible individuals for whom the IRS previously did not have information to issue a payment but who recently filed a tax return, as well to people who qualify for “plus-up” payments. Get more information in the Questions and Answers about the Third Economic Impact Payment.

Check when and how your payment was sent with the Get My Payment tool.

Didn’t Get the First and Second Payments? 

If you didn’t get a first and second Economic Impact Payment or got less than the full amount, you may be eligible to claim the 2020 Recovery Rebate Credit and must file a 2020 tax return. Alternatively, eligible people who don’t normally have to file a tax return and who didn’t file a 2019 or 2020 tax return or use the Non-Filers tool for stimulus payments last year can use the Child Tax Credit Non-filer Sign-up Tool. You can still file after the tax deadline.

The Child Tax Credit Non-filer Sign Up tool allows you to provide the required information needed to deposit monthly payments of the advance Child Tax Credit directly into your bank account. The IRS will also use this information to calculate and send any resulting 2020 Recovery Rebate Credit and the third stimulus payment. Eligible people can expect separate payments for the Recovery Rebate Credit, the third Economic Impact Payment, and the advance Child Tax Credit.

Get all the benefits you’re entitled to under the law, including tax credits such as the 2020 Recovery Rebate Credit, the Child Tax Credit, and the Earned Income Tax Credit. Filing a 2020 tax return will also assist the IRS in determining whether someone is eligible for advance payments of the 2021 Child Tax Credit.

If you don’t normally have to file a tax return, the online Non-filer Sign-up tool can help eligible families register for the monthly Advance Child Tax Credit payments.

This tool, an update of last year’s IRS Non-filers tool, is also designed to help eligible individuals who don’t normally file income tax returns register for the $1,400 third round of Economic Impact Payments (also known as stimulus checks) and claim the Recovery Rebate Credit for any amount of the first two rounds of Economic Impact Payments they may have missed.